Foreclosure Freedom

Discover Foreclosure Freedom, a service designed to help MSME clients waive foreclosure charges and prepayment penalties while shifting their credit facilities. Leverage our expertise to ensure a smooth, penalty-free transition to better banking relationships, saving your business from takeover charges.

Expert Waiver Assistance:  Secure waivers of foreclosure charges for MSMEs to reduce financial burdens.
Comprehensive Guidance: Provide consultation on avoiding foreclosure charges under RBI guidelines.
Advocacy with Banks and Regulators:  Represent clients with banks and RBI to challenge unfair foreclosure fees
Negotiation Expertise:  Negotiate with banks to eliminate foreclosure and prepayment penalties
RBI Compliance Insight:  Offer advice based on the latest RBI notifications on foreclosure charges.
Takeover and Prepayment Penalty Relief:  Address takeover and CC limit charges to prevent prepayment penalties.
Financial Savings: Help clients redirect savings towards business growth by removing charges.
Smooth Transition Services:  Ensure a hassle-free switch to new banking relationships.


                      Contact Us for Charge Waiver Assistance